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Main topics for using our applications

Our purpose is to make things easier! We know how exhausting it can be to have countless interruptions throughout the day when using applications that at times are not as intuitive as they should be.

With this in mind, we created this space so that our partners and customers can come with their main questions in order to improve our product as a whole, with transparency and agility! After all, your success is our success !

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Installing Applications

Once you have downloaded the Inventor application installer, run it as normal. After the installation is complete, open Autodesk Inventor and navigate to the features to activate them.

Tools > Addins (for English version)


In the following form, look for the installed addin and leave the two top options checked, as shown in the following image:

Done! After that, just locate the r-CAD tab within the Autodesk Inventor files!

Installation error

The installation location is defined in the installer provided when you download the application. If you have downloaded a version from the Autodesk store, you must uninstall the installation and install the version from the website! Different installation locations cause conflicts and may therefore produce unexpected results.

Erro na instalação
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